Monday, March 29, 2010

Main Dengan Rakyat - Part 3

its that time of the month again
when i gather with a group of strangers
(now, everybody there are practically friends after months of playing games together...)

this month we decided to play galah panjang (again!)
we did play this game last year,
when the group was still at the introduction stage
and not a lot of people noe about
Main Dengan Rakyat..

my team won this month!!
after the disappointing outing playing Lompat Getah
2 months ago!
yeay me!
i even managed to score a point for my team!
in the end the score was 2-0.

everytime MDR comes around,
i get reminded of 2 things...
1. the amount of energy one must have in order to play these traditional games, and
2. that im getting older and fatter that i cant run as fast as i used to..

this is me,
dead tired
and wheezing
out of breath.

come and join the next one!
it will be on the 24th of April
and we're playing Rounders this tyme around..


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Idealism Vs Realism

when we work,
should we strive for somtin
that is realistic or somtin that is ideal?
who decides whether a certain idea is
idealistic or realistic??

when we were presenting our final portfolio last monday,
we were commented that our plans were a bit idealistic
and they never envision Maran to be developed in such a way..

it may just be a learning exercise but
for a mere student, to be able to create an ideal world where
everything is nice and serene is the best feeling ever...

i do believe so.
no one should choose to live any other way,
and everyone should have a vision on how his future should look like.
i may just a student who has no experience in working as a decision maker,
but i truly believe that anything is possible if we believe in it hard enough.

a lot of people are under estimating
the power of the mind.
if we believe hard enough,
its only time till we'll make it happen.
the mind is a great motivator.
the mind can work wonders.
the mind is the most powerful weapon god have given us.

but progress can only start if we have
sufficient knowledge and wisdom.
owh! and excellent decision makers,
not the kind where they just argue on petty matters in the cabinet..
(sometimes it is painful to watch the things they discuss in the parliament..)
im not saying all the decision makers are incapable,
some are very good,
we need the kind who are not afraid to take a chance and move forward.
we need those believe in progress,
as progress will only start if he takes the first step.

i am an idealistic person.
and i do believe that the world
will be a better place one day.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Memories of Planning Studio.

goin thru 3 years of studio
was probably the hardest thing i
had to go thru yet...
i think ive probably lost a few years off
my life due the amount of stress i was
under all thru the 3 years...

but when we gathered together today
as a group to deliver our final portfolio
to our external assessors,
i felt that everybody was just trying to
just enjoy the last day we had together
as a planning studio student.

some of us even stayed till the very end,
till all the presentation boards where taken down
and all the equipments where returned to the office.

its funny tho.
being my last studio,
it came as a suprise to me that i enjoyed it
as much as i did...
i didnt expect to had such a great time
during the site visit,
i didnt expect we could work so well as a group,
and i didnt expect to have such a lovely studio master this sem.
its funy when the best things always comes when we least expect it.

as usual,
pics will always be taken to commemorate the occasion.

we were waiting for the vip's to arrive.
Dato Shahanieza from DUN Kuala Sentul
and the People of Maran

EIE+2 didnt miss the chance to dress up
in matching outfits that we bought together at Sg Petani last year.

always with the jumping pics..

and also the closeup
cute, scary and vain pic.

ill miss studio much.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

5 things to look up to this year.

two months ago,
celebrated its 1st birthday.
its another special occasion
to be celebrated.
which is,
the sole writer of this blogs
22nd birthday!!

i want to say my tanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday
and to the wonderful frens who bought me a cake last night.

may all of u be blessed by god
for ur kindness...

my resolution for this year
1. is to be able to accomplish all my responsibilities as well as i can...
2. to be able to reach that distant 70kg ive been eying for awhile.
3. play music with my frens and enjoying it as much as i could.
4. not to be preoccupied with unnecessary things.
5. hang on to my friends for dear life!


Friday, March 12, 2010

not for the cats..

i could really use for one of these wireless mouses..
so hard to do work without one..
but i dont have the money to buy one..
im wayyyy out of budget.

could someone plz buy one for me??
ull be forever remembered!


Thursday, March 11, 2010

planning studio interview

ive been so bz these days...
i hope its all worth the effort ive put...
its my my last sem as a planning studio student
before advancing to my thesis next semester.
so i want to make my last sem my best.
its all or nothing!

im soo sory to those i havent been around much
to hang and spend time with u guys..

i got my interview this friday.
m very nervous on how it would turn out.
ive not had good experiences in regards to interviews.

wish me luck ya?
have u guys bought me my birthday present yet?


Friday, March 5, 2010

i could just be dreaming..

ive always wanted to go to Sarawak.
almost got the chance once
but something suddenly came up and
i had to cancel the whole trip.

hopefully when i do turn
22 in a few days, i can make it there soon.

in conjunction with my birthday in a few days,
ive included a few item and things that i wish i could
acquire soon.

1. a samsung corby handphone
particularly pink in colour.

2. a pair of yellow pants
wwoooo!! i totally work this out~

3. a pair of red flat shoes..
reds my fav colour...
just take a look at my car.

4. a quiet night out with my girls
just hanging out and doing nothing..
aj, lola, sarah... *hint2*

gonna be 22 very soon,