yesterday was the first of Syawal..
it was very interesting...
i was much festive compared to last year...
first of all,
we actually took a family photo
we havent done that in quite awhile.
didnt feel like it in the past
but this year we just felt like takin one.
so we did!
plz dont ask me anythin bout wearing jeans on raya.
mind u that im not that into celebrating raya...
but what the hell?
its just a picture...
after the photo session,
we went to my grandma's house (my dad's side)
i havent been there for quite some time...
i dont like it there..
i always end up havin a flu after goin to that place...
but me being me,
i went there as requested..
and we took photos too!
with my cousins and all!

this is a picture of the whole lot..
most of the family is not in the pic as theyre spending first of raya
somewhere else!

this is a picture of just the grandkids with my grandma...
hahaha... she was always distracted
while takin a picture...
luckily in this one, she actually looked at the camera...
then we went to my aunts house (mom's side)
at Damansara Heights
ate some really delicious Mee Rebus
then went back home and
got ready to watch a movie
(a tradition of my family on the first of raya)
we went to watch
it was funny!
-full comment on the movie in the next post-
all in all...
a weird raya for me...